September 12 Dr. Catherine Sass, Mathematics Dept.
Character Degree Graphs of Finite Solvable Groups with Diameter Three.
September 19 Dr. Shilpa Dasgupta, Mathematics Department.
Characterization of interior 2-caterpillars.
September 26 Dr. Yorck Sommerhäuser, SUNY – Buffalo.
Hopf Algebras and their Frobenius-Schur Indicators.
October 3 Bismark Singh, University of Austin at Austin.
Optimizing Vaccine Allocation for Pandemic Influenza.
October 10 Gabe Wood, Texas State University.
A fast marching method for the Stefan problem.
October 17 Dr. Suho Oh, Mathematics Department.
October 24 Dr. Yong Yang, Mathematics Department.
Tournaments, score sequences and permutation matrix.
October 31 Dr. William Grilliette, Mathematics Department.
Injective Envelopes and Projective Covers of Quivers.
November 7 Dr. Elizabeth Balmer, Mathematics Department.
Edge Deletion Polynomials and Graph Tiling.
November 14 Dr. Suho Oh, Mathematics Department.
Matroids, Tutte Polynomial and a conjecture of Stanley.
November 21 Dr. Jason Juett, Mathematics Department.