Fall 2014

September 12 Dr. Catherine Sass, Mathematics Dept.

Character Degree Graphs of Finite Solvable Groups with Diameter Three.

September 19 Dr. Shilpa Dasgupta, Mathematics Department.

Characterization of interior 2-caterpillars.

September 26 Dr. Yorck Sommerhäuser, SUNY – Buffalo.

Hopf Algebras and their Frobenius-Schur Indicators.

October 3 Bismark Singh, University of Austin at Austin.

Optimizing Vaccine Allocation for Pandemic Influenza.

October 10 Gabe Wood, Texas State University.

A fast marching method for the Stefan problem.

October 17 Dr. Suho Oh, Mathematics Department.

4 birds with 1 triangulation.

October 24 Dr. Yong Yang, Mathematics Department.

Tournaments, score sequences and permutation matrix.

October 31 Dr. William Grilliette, Mathematics Department.

Injective Envelopes and Projective Covers of Quivers.

November 7 Dr. Elizabeth Balmer, Mathematics Department.

Edge Deletion Polynomials and Graph Tiling.

November 14 Dr. Suho Oh, Mathematics Department.

Matroids, Tutte Polynomial and a conjecture of Stanley.

November 21 Dr. Jason Juett, Mathematics Department.

Ordinal-Valued Length Functions.

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