February 12 Dr. Dongwoo Sheen, Department of Mathematics, Seoul National University.
A Framework for Nonconforming Generalized Multiscale Methods.
February 19 Mr. Randy Davila, Department of Mathematics.
Bounding the Connected Forcing Number of a Graph.
February 26 Dr. Dan Tamir, Department of Computer Science, Texas State University.
Dynamic Unbounded Integer Compression.
March 4 Dr. Yong Yang, Mathematics Department.
On the largest character degree of finite groups.
March 11 Dr. Eugene Curtin, Department of Mathematics.
Curtin_Mar_11_16Solution to a Combinatorial Problem arising in Group Theory.
March 25 Nicole Yamzon, PhD Student, San Francisco State University.
The Dehn–Sommerville Relations and the Catalan matroid.
April 1 Dr. Lucas Rusnak, Department of Mathematics.
Structure Theory for Oriented Hypergraphs: Parts 1 and 2.
April 15 Dr. Lucas Rusnak, Department of Mathematics.
Structure Theory for Oriented Hypergraphs: Parts 1 and 2.
April 22 Steven Karp, Ph. D. Student, UC-Berkeley.
Sign variation, the Grassmannian, and total positivity.
April 22 Dr. Adrian Tanasa, Combinatorics Group, Bordeaux University, France.
April 29 Mr. Randy Davila, Department of Mathematics.