January 31 Dr. Ram Verma, Mathematics Department.
February 7 Dr. Ying Liu, Shanghai Lixin University of Commerce.
The (normalized) laplacian eigenvalue of signed graphs.
February 21 Dr. Hunseok Kang, Soongsil University, Seoul Korea .
Mathematical Modeling and its dynamical analysis.
February 28 Dr. Yong Yang, Mathematics Department.
When group theory meets number theory.
March 7 Ryan Pepper University of Houston-Downtown.
Upper bounds on the k-forcing number of a graph.
March 21 Dr. Peter Sin, University of Florida.
The Critical Group of a Graph.
April 11 Dr. Shuying Sun, Mathematics Department.
Identifying DNA methylation patterns using statistical and computational methods.
April 18 Dr. Youngsoo Seol, Mathematics Department.
Random Walks in a Sparse Random Environment.
April 25 Dr. Jia Huang, University of Minnesota.
An improved upper bound for the bondage number of graphs on surfaces.